Performance tuning is the practice of discovering and remedying bottlenecks in your code, gaining speed and stability without changing the behavior. Better performance results in decreased infrastructure costs, improved system stability, enhanced scalability, and increased overall customer satisfaction.

In the context of browser automation, likely concerns include network bandwidth, page rendering, JavaScript execution time, parallelization, server resource demands, and other related challenges. Tuning performance can be seen as the streamlining of logic and data processing between third-party servers and your own automation scripts.

Before tuning your scripts, it’s important to first get the code working, validate the behavior, and write some tests. Only when you have a solid baseline for behavior should you begin looking for ways to improve performance. That said, you can often make impressive gains in optimizing browser automations, such as through network interception, ad blocking, selector optimization, reducing wait times, and more.

How can BrowserCat help with performance tuning?

BrowserCat provides a fleet of headless browsers that allow you to parallelize your automations with just a single line change to your existing code. Our browsers are pre-tuned for performance, and support the full range of code-level optimizations using agents like Playwright. And since you’re only charged for the duration of your requests, the more efficient your scripts, the less you pay!

So why wait? Try BrowserCat today!

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